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Managing metadata fields

Learn how to modify existing metadata fields and create custom fields

Jouke Jongsma avatar
Written by Jouke Jongsma
Updated over a year ago

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Swivle comes with over 400 different metadata fields for storing data about the file in the form of text, tags, date and time, number values, or booleans.

When needed, each of these fields can be modified to better match your needs and requirements (for example by renaming an unused field that holds all the properties that you are after). However, should any of these fields not be suited to store data in the way you want to, you can also create a custom metadata field from scratch.

Managing metadata fields is done in the Management Console on the Metadata page.


Take note of the following:

  • Using the Metadata page requires an API license (available in a Scale bundle).

  • Using the Management Console requires a Content Manager license.

  • To access the Management Console, users need to log in and need to have the role of Admin.

Should you at any point downgrade to a lower license after having made changes to the standard metadata fields or have created custom fields, the following takes place:

  • The custom metadata fields and security rules containing custom metadata fields remain in place.

  • Customization through the Management Console is disabled.

  • The custom metadata fields in assets, Collections and folders become read-only.

The Metadata page

The Metadata page is divided into two sections: on the left a list is shown of all currently available metadata fields, grouped by the group they belong to.

Custom metadata fields can be recognized by a user icon next to their name; all other fields are the standard fields:

Figure: Custom metadata fields can be recognized by a user icon next to their name, such as here for the field named 'Project'.

When selecting a field in the list, details about that field appear on the right. Two tabs exist: one showing general information about the field, and one showing the settings that have been set for that field.


Take note of the following:

  • Field groups cannot be added or edited.

  • Fields and field groups cannot be reordered.

  • Each field type (text, number, date, and so on) can only be used a maximum number of times. This is indicated when adding a new field.

  • Fields can only be configured for one specific language. If you need to store metadata in multiple languages, use multiple fields. You could even use a Webhook to automate translation.

  • A maximum of 50 custom metadata fields can be created.

Using the list

The options at the top control the fields that are displayed in the list:

  • Click the caret (A) to expand all groups so that all fields are shown. Click it again to close all groups.

  • Type (part of) a field name in the Filter box (B) to filter the list on names that contain the entered text.

  • Click Customized (C) to only see the standard fields that have been modified and customized fields that have been added. Click All to see all fields again.

Modifying a field

To modify any of the existing standard fields or a newly added custom field, simply select that field in the list and change its configuration on the General and the Settings tabs.

For a full explanation of all the options, see the section about adding a new field below.

Resetting modified standard fields

When a standard field has been modified, it can be reset to its original state by clicking Reset.

Adding a new field

To create a new metadata field, follow these steps:

Step 1. In the list, expand the group to which the new field needs to be added.

Step 2. Click + New metadata field.

The New field window appears.

Step 3. Set up the new field as follows:

  • Enter a name in the Name field. This is the name as it will be shown to users, such as in the Metadata panel.

  • A technical name is automatically added in the Technical name field. This name is used in APIs and search queries. Edit the name when needed. Take note of the following:

    • The name must be unique, may not contain spaces or special characters, and may not contain more than 30 characters.

    • Once the custom field is created, the technical name cannot be changed anymore; carefully check if the correct name has been set before saving.

  • Choose what type the field should be. Information including an example is shown on the right when selecting a type. Choose from the following types:

    • Short text (case insensitive or case sensitive)

    • Long text

    • Tags (case insensitive or case sensitive)

    • Number

    • Decimal

    • Date (time)

    • Boolean


  • Because of technical restrictions, only a maximum number of fields of a certain type may exist in the system. This maximum number plus the remaining number of fields that can still be created as this type is indicated on the right. For example: '4 of 5' means that a maximum of 5 fields may exist for this type and that 4 can still be created.

  • Once the field has been created, the type cannot be changed. Carefully check if the correct type has been set before saving.

Step 4. Click Create to create the field.

The field is added to the system and the General tab for the field appears.

Step 5. (Optional but recommended) In the Description field, enter a short description explaining the purpose of the field and when needed, how data should be entered. This information is shown to users as a tooltip when users add fields to the Metadata panel (see image at the end of this article).

Step 6. (Optional) Depending on the field type that was chosen, access the Settings tab to set further settings:

  • Predefined values. Use this for text fields to create a list of values from which users can choose.

    • Users can only choose from options in the list. Select this when users should be prevented from adding their own values.

  • Manage file types. Define for which type of files the field should be available.

  • Filters. Select the type of filter for the field:

    • Check boxes

    • Tags

    • Text


Here, a new field named 'Project' has been created in the General group as a short-text, case insensitive field. A short description has been added.

Two predefined values have been made available; users are not allowed to add their own. The field is made available for all file types, and values can be added by users as tags.

When users add the field to the Metadata panel, the description is shown as a tooltip.

Removing a custom field

Any custom fields that have been added can also be removed by clicking its Delete button.

Note that during this process, all occurrences of the field in all assets are removed. When many such occurrences exist, it can take a while before the actual field itself is removed and the limit for its datatype is updated.

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