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Searching for files using Swivle
Searching for files using Swivle

This article describes the various ways in which files can be found in Swivle by using Swivle.

Jouke Jongsma avatar
Written by Jouke Jongsma
Updated over a week ago

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Working on files in Swivle begins with first finding the files you need.

This article describes the various ways in which files can be located using Swivle.

Ways of searching

There are 3 different ways in which you can search for files: 

  1. By entering a search term.

  2. By browsing the folder structure of Swivle.

  3. By filtering the search results by using additional criteria.

Each of these methods can be used individually or in combination with one or all of the other methods.

Example: Here, all 3 methods are used: a search term "architecture" is entered in the Search box (A), an images folder is selected (B) and the search results are filtered to show images in landscape orientation only (C).

Entering a search term

Enter a search term in the Search box to find any files with that phrase in their file name, description, tags, and so on.

  • After entering the search term press Enter to perform the search.

  • When browsing the folder structure (see below) while a search term is entered, the search looks for all files that contain the search term and that are stored in the chosen location.

  • Leave the Search box empty to find all files within a location.

  • To quickly clear the Search box, click the 'x' on the right side of the search box (press Enter to perform the search).

You can also use the query syntax in the Search box for more advanced searching and filtering. 

Browsing the folder structure

Use the Folder Browser to restrict the search within a folder of the Swivle structure.

  • The Folder Browser can be hidden and shown by clicking the Folder Browser icon (A).

Figure: Clicking the Folder Browser icon will show or hide the Folder Browser (A) or determine to show or hide files in subfolders (B). 

  • Browse to the folder in which you want to search.

  • By default, the search includes all sub folders. To search in the selected folder only, disable "Show files in subfolder(s)" (B in above figure).

  • The search result shows all files within the selected folder. If a search term is entered (see above) and/or the Filter is used (see below), the search result takes these into account.

  • The currently selected folder is shown to the left of the Search box. When the Folder Browser is closed, this shows you in which folder you are currently searching.

  • To return to the top (root) folder, click 'x' next to the folder name to the left of the Search box or click the empty space in the first column.

Figure: Return to the root folder by clicking the 'x' (A) or by clicking in an empty space in the first column (B).

  • Adjust the height of the Folder Browser by dragging the divider at the bottom up or down.

Figure: Drag the divider to adjust the height of the folder window.

Filtering the search results

Use the Filter to further narrow down the search results.

  • The Filter can be hidden and shown by clicking the Filter icon.

Figure: The Filter Panel is accessed by clicking the Filter icon.

  • Add or remove Filter options by clicking the Configure Filters icon and selecting/de-selecting options from the list. Up to 20 options at a time can be used (the total number of selected options is shown at the bottom of the panel). Use the Search box to quickly find an option.

  • Mostly tagged Tags will be shown with the number of files.

Figure: Click the Configure Filters icon (A) and use the panel (B) to add or remove options. Up to 20 options can be added, the number of selected options is shown at the bottom of the panel (C).

  • Use a Filter option by:

    • Typing some text and pressing Enter.

    • Selecting or clearing a check box.

    • Choosing an option from a list.

    • Clicking a tag.

  • Clear a Filter option by clicking its Clear label or click Clear All to clear all Filter options.

  • To keep the Filter options active while using the Search box and/or Folder Browser, click "Keep Filters".

Saving a Search

If you regularly search for the same files, save the search by creating a bookmark in the Web browser.

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